Psalm 47

Psalm 47

Our current circumstances are filled with interruptions. Some interruptions have proved profitable. Other occasions have been less desirous. For example, some are unaffected by the cancellation of sports, but most, especially the teams, are sorely affected. Most children have enjoyed the news of school cancellations at the peak of the spring semester, but those graduating have been adversely affected. Many joyous occasions have been put on hold. This significant interruption we are experiencing is a reminder that our activities and schedules are all fragile in a fallen world.

Meticulous Reminders of God's Good

Meticulous Reminders of God's Good

I geared down as I faced the first hill. The wind met me the entire ride, even downhill, but on this section of roadway, the part I had dreaded the most throughout the whole trip, I experienced almost no wind. As I faced the last significant hill on the road, I heard the trees above me swaying in the breeze, but I, on the roadway, experienced none of it. Verbally, in between the huffing and puffing, I exclaimed, "Thank you, Lord! "

Psalm 46

Psalm 46

Psalm 46 gives us a glimpse into the dwelling place of God. We learn God is ever-present with his own and especially in times of need. This Psalms carries with it the often “already-not-yet” tension of Scripture. God is ever-present and one day the whole universe will be filled with the knowledge of him as the waters cover the sea. From Psalm 46 we both celebrate and long for God’s presence.

Thinking Christianly in Times of Crisis: Lessons from Cyprian’s The Mortality

Thinking Christianly in Times of Crisis: Lessons from Cyprian’s The Mortality

Because of Christ, we have certainty as we face what seems like uncertain days. Because of Christ, we have the assurance of eternity that he has both brought near and is bringing near to the world. The worst of circumstances cannot thwart the purpose of his plan. God intends to bring the world to Christ. Trials and difficulty only serve to secure the hope of those who are in Christ.

Psalm 45

Psalm 45

Psalm 44 ended with a cry for help. Rise up, come to our help! Redeem us for the sake of your steadfast love! The cry for help is not due to our sake, not because we are deserving in and of ourselves. He comes to our aide because of his steadfast love. We are hopeless unless he considers us from his own goodness. The cry for help is answered in Psalm 45 by a song. This time the song is a love song. 

Pathways of Assurance

Pathways of Assurance

Don’t be afraid to be who God has called you and is forming you to be. The joy and assurance we have as followers of Jesus is that we get to look in every direction of our lives and see purpose, to see meaning, to know that the circumstances of our lives are not haphazard or pointless, but even the hurtful can be used by God to conform us into the image of Jesus. 

Congregational Derailment

Congregational Derailment

Each local congregation is an expression of the hope of God in Jesus Christ. When we do not use the gifts and resources to testify about Christ, we miss our reason for existence. A congregation that has derailed from its purpose must be confronted with the glorious truths of the gospel. Only the good news of God's salvation can set a wandering church on the right path.

Setting the Broken

Setting the Broken

Devastation, heartache, pain, suffering. Those words associate with the world that we know and leave us with a longing for something more. As you see the devastation around you, does your heartbreak? As you look at the twisted trees and missing forests, do you wish that disasters never happened?