Look to the stars and remember: God is sovereign, His plan is unshakable, and eternity is certain for those who love Jesus.
Faithful Hospitality: Living for the Sake of the Name
In 3 John, the Apostle John commends Gaius for his faithful hospitality to those traveling for the sake of the gospel. This powerful reminder challenges us to live faithfully for "the sake of the Name."
Reflecting on my own journey, I’m grateful for churches like First Baptist Atlanta, the church that sent my family and me out, and others that have welcomed us so graciously. Their hospitality reminds me of Charles Stanley’s words during my ordination charge: “You owe it to us to faithfully follow through with your calling.”
This legacy of love and truth inspires me to ask: How can we open our hearts to others and live faithfully for Jesus today? Read more about this in my latest blog post.
2025: A Year of Intentional Preaching
As we embrace the theme of Intentional in 2025, I am committing to greater intentionality in my preaching. This includes ensuring every sermon is rooted in Scripture, centered on the gospel, clear in communication, focused on transformation, practical in application, relationally connected, Spirit-led, and guided by an eternal perspective. I invite you to join me in prayer and accountability as we strive together to glorify God and fulfill His Great Commission.
Moving at the Speed of Obedience: Aligning Our Hearts with God's Purposes
Stirrings at First Baptist Starkville
15 Years After Ordination
March 22, 2024, marks 15 years since my ordination at First Baptist Atlanta. This special occasion marks my first ordination without having my ordaining pastor, the late Charles Stanley, who died in April of 2023. As far as I know, I stand last in a long line of men ordained into the gospel ministry under Dr. Charles Stanley's time at First Baptist.
On the Eighth Day
As strange as it sounds to speak,
Christians say there is an eighth day of the week.
Of course we know our calendar has seven,
But Christians say eight to suggest there is a heaven.
The first day of the week refers to the beginning of something new
But when Christians say eighth we are looking ahead to all that God will do.
On the seventh day, God rested from all his work.
On Friday, Jesus took the cross
Discerning Our Heart's Desire
London Bridge Has Fallen
What Christians Believe Part 2: He Has Spoken
What Christians Believe Part 1: There is a God
What we know of God moves from one direction - either from below, where we read our knowledge back into God, or allow God to speak to us from above. One way is idolatry - where “God” becomes an echo chamber of our voice. The other way starts with God first, listens to God speak, and responds to his reality. When we listen first, we begin to think God’s thoughts after him instead of reading our thoughts into him. With God, listening is more important than speaking.
What Christians Believe (Intro)
Lift Up Your Eyes and See
As you look upon these new images, remember you are but a gazer you didn’t create, you didn’t order, you merely gaze. Those images are not yours though you captured them. They belong to another who orders the stars and sets them in place. He ordains every light; knows every expanse and extinction of light. He sets them in the heavens to declare his glory.
Forever at the Cross
Free Spirited Christian Living
This is My Story
Throughout his letter to the Galatians, Paul is confronting false teaching. The false teachers have a message. Their message is not Jesus paid it all, but Jesus plus all these things. The false teachers have no confidence in the cross of Christ. When you lose confidence in the cross you substitute confidence in something else. Anything else is worthless.
Compelled to Pray
No doubt there are many concerns that attend us today, but we are mindful that you are aware of all of our concerns. So Father in the quietness of this moment, may we turn our concerns overt to you with full confidence because of your demonstration through the blood of Jesus Christ that you care for us.