One of the most challenging truths we face is the reality of suffering. This challenge is especially tough for believers who have their hope set on a God whose essence is love.
Belonging to God doesn’t isolate the believer from suffering. Faith in God insulates our suffering with an unshakable hope. Our outward selves may be decaying and what decays the outside renews the inside (2 Cor 4:16). One day what is on the inside will be on the outside as we exchange corruptible with incorruptible. Jesus said, in this world, we will have trouble - we not isolated, but take heart, he has overcome the world – we are insulated. Christ’s indestructible life is our insulation.
As we come to Psalm 44, we consider the sorrow of suffering from one who has been faithful to God. The cry of Psalm 44 is a plea for redemption. The basis for the plea – the unfailing, never ceasing, steadfast love of God.