As we step into 2025, the theme of Intentional will guide our focus at First Baptist Starkville. This theme resonates deeply with me as a preacher, as I feel called to approach my preaching with renewed intentionality. Preaching is not merely an exercise in teaching but a sacred responsibility to communicate God’s Word with clarity, conviction, and compassion.
After much reflection, I have developed a rubric to evaluate my sermons each week. I share it with you, my church family, so you can hold me accountable and join me in prayer as I seek to honor God in this calling.
Rubric for Intentional Preaching
1. Biblical Foundation
Key Question: Is the sermon deeply rooted in Scripture?
Why It Matters: Every sermon must flow directly from God’s Word, guiding us into a deeper understanding of Scripture.
Indicators of Excellence:
A clear focus on one or two key Bible passages.
Faithful, contextual interpretation of Scripture.
God’s Word is central, not just supporting the preacher’s ideas.
2. Tethered to the Cross
Key Question: Is the message gospel-centered, emphasizing Christ crucified, risen, and returning?
Why It Matters: A sermon without the cross is lifeless. Jesus must be the hope of salvation and the center of our faith.
Indicators of Excellence:
Highlights the significance of the cross, resurrection, and Christ’s return.
Connects the gospel to the sermon’s main message.
Reflects God’s redemptive work through Christ.
3. Clear and Simple Communication
Key Question: Is the message easy to follow and understand?
Why It Matters: Preaching should teach people the Bible, not just teach the Bible to people.
Indicators of Excellence:
Logical structure with clear transitions.
Avoids unnecessary theological jargon.
Communicates one primary truth supported by Scripture and illustrations.
4. Spiritual Transformation
Key Question: Does the sermon lead people into a deeper relationship with Christ?
Why It Matters: The goal is transformation through the power of the Holy Spirit, not just information.
Indicators of Excellence:
Encourages trust in God, abiding in Christ, and reliance on the Spirit.
Identifies and addresses spiritual barriers.
Provides actionable steps for spiritual growth.
5. Personal Application
Key Question: Does the sermon connect biblical truth to daily life?
Why It Matters: Application bridges the gap between hearing and living.
Indicators of Excellence:
Offers practical steps for applying the message.
Addresses real-life challenges.
Encourages faithfulness and trust in God’s promises.
6. Relational Connection
Key Question: Does the sermon address the audience’s spiritual needs?
Why It Matters: Preaching must be rooted in care for the people and authenticity in the preacher’s own walk with Christ.
Indicators of Excellence:
Addresses common questions or concerns.
Demonstrates empathy and understanding.
Uses personal stories or relatable examples.
7. Spirit-Led Delivery
Key Question: Is the sermon delivered with humility and dependence on the Holy Spirit?
Why It Matters: My pastor, Charles Stanley, taught me to pray each time before I enter the pulpit, “Anoint me with Thy Spirit, Lord, for this strategic hour, that I may preach your Holy Word with Pentecostal power.”
Indicators of Excellence:
Displays humility and reliance on God.
Reflects prayerful preparation.
Leaves space for the Spirit to convict, comfort, and inspire.
8. Eternal Perspective
Key Question: Does the sermon point the audience toward God’s eternal purposes?
Why It Matters: Another lesson I learned from Dr. Stanley - “Your work is valuable. Your reward is eternal.”
Indicators of Excellence:
Highlights salvation, discipleship, and the Great Commission.
Encourages eternal priorities over temporary concerns.
Inspires hope in God’s promises.
Looking Ahead
I sense the Lord calling me to deepen this preaching ministry He has entrusted to me. In the coming months, I will be announcing a platform that I pray will help you walk more closely with Christ and fulfill His Great Commission. Please watch for this announcement and pray with me as we step into this new season of intentionally living for His glory.