Justification is the way to refer to what the death of Christ on the Cross accomplished for those who trust in him. Through Christ, we are justified, that is, pardoned and accepted by God in Christ.
The Kind of Transformation the Gospel Brings
Does your confession take you towards self-reliance and self-justifying, or does your confession take you towards marvelous grace that says, my only comfort in life and death is that I am not my own? Do you boast in your good deeds, or is your boast in your Redeemer? An honest answer to those questions will tell you the road you are traveling.
Paul and Christian Scripture
The Source and Substance of the Christian Faith
How do we know that truth has come to us? What happens if we encounter what Paul warned in Galatians 1:7, those who come preaching a distorted gospel to trouble you? They will come to you. Sometimes they come knocking on your door. Sometimes it is as subtle as your thinking salvation comes through what you can do or what you will do other than what Christ has done.
God's One Saving Message (Part 3)
God's One Saving Message (Part 2)
God's One Saving Message (Part 1)
As we think about the changes the pandemic has brought to our world, I want us to think carefully and clearly about what matters most. Followers of Jesus have a confession that stands above any challenge. We have a bold assurance that looks in the face of strong diversity and says, “there will be a brighter tomorrow because he lives.”
God Has Spoken: Mississippi and the Fight for Life
City of Homes
Looking For a City
A Yearning Thankfulness
Remember, as you listen to cultural commentary through headlines, news programs, or even television, as you listen to many who will attempt to call for thankfulness without God, remember your reason for thankfulness is Jesus. On Thanksgiving Day, Christian confession takes the high ground and lets the light we have been given shine like a city on a hill.
Don't Panic. Pursue Faithfulness.
Christian Prayer During an Election Cycle
God gives his people a ministry of prayer not only to assure us as we live but to hasten the day. Legislation reveals the authorities' heart, but God uses the prayers of his people to turn the tides towards his gospel purposes. God’s ear is towards his people, and he commands us to pray for the world to turn towards him.
The Church: Destined for Glory
Patterned After the Proverbs Day 31
More important than any skill, trade, or talent, fearing the Lord is the gateway and guardrail of Wisdom’s Way. Those traveling the roadway enter through fearing the Lord and are kept on the path through the fear of the Lord. Everything else is secondary in this life compared to godliness. Eventually, everyone will know this. Until then, God uses our lives to display his work in us as he often carries us along Wisdom’s Pathway as he Patterns us after the Proverbs.
Patterned After the Proverbs Day 30
Wisdom’s Pathway is often uphill. When those moments of opportunity to be wise come, we have the assurance of trusting in the Lord with all of our hearts knowing that he whose words always prove true, who is a shield to those who take refuge in him, will make a crooked path straight. He calls us to walk and trust in him.
Patterned After the Proverbs Day 29
Patterned After the Proverbs Day 28
Patterned After the Proverbs Day 27
Wisdom enables us to distinguish what truly matters. Ensure you are tending and keeping what will last forever. Wisdom’s perspective provides serenity. There is an endless joy when a heart aligns its ways with seeking God’s ways. Seeking God’s ways means trusting in him with all of our hearts, forever.