City of Homes, my hometown,
Living right now in a world torn upside down.
The day after, a mighty storm came through, tossing it about, scattering debris all around.
Thank God there was not a greater loss of life.
Thank God he delivered most safely through the night.
Leave God out of this, some might say.
If God were true, why not a field or some other way?
As crews cut, clear, and chop down uplifted trees from the ground,
All at once, the listening ear is met with other sounds.
After the storm, the community came to life,
The birds singing harmony showed us what matters in life.
Listen again to the sounds and don't forget the season:
Easter is coming around.
When that day comes amidst toil and strife,
We remember the One who gave his life,
And today reflect on his great sacrifice.
He reminds us a day is coming when He will touch ground.
On that day, all of nature will know who it is who wears the crown.
I love you, my Newnan.