On the seventh day, God rested from all his work,
But his rest was interrupted by a humanity gone berserk.
Still to this day we don’t listen to him say,
Instead we choose to walk paths that take us the wrong way.
But God would not give up on his plan,
He chose instead to reach out his hand.
He found those he made from clay,
And through them put his greatest love on display.
When we encounter Genesis 3 it looks as if we’re at the end,
But a “word” is used that takes us back that shows us the way to end the sin.
God found our first parents in their sin and shame,
And did a brutal thing - he killed an animal intended to tame,
And the Woman received a brand new name.
God “made” is the word from the text that erupted,
Showing us the “rest” of God was now interrupted.
By using this word, God gives us the clues of how he will undo all the wrong.
By the time we reach the cross, we will come to see that this was his plan all along.
When God created us with freedom of will he made the potential for sin.
So when he created the world in this way, the cross had always been.
When we look at the very end, Jesus gives us the greatest clue.
For within Revelation we find a book from which we take this view.
Revelation 13 and verse 8 says the cross was there at creation.
The lamb slain from the world’s foundation is the cross’s true location!
So, when we read Jesus took the cross on the sixth day of man,
We should remember that this was all according to plan.
Scripture records 7 sayings from the cross, but none more powerful than the last.
“It is finished”, was his cry, and with that one word Jesus reaches all the way to the past.
What was finished? We should ask. To that there is only one answer.
The plan enacted from the beginning to save mankind from our greatest slander.
The work of God from the beginning finished in one incredible instance,
As he bowed his head and gave up the ghost he covered our last resistance.
Now that salvation was complete,
The Father was putting all things under his feet,
and he could rest from all his work, for there is only one enemy left for final defeat.
The next day after the cross was the seventh day.
On the seventh day Jesus in his tomb did lay.
He rested from all his work making sons and daughters from the ones gone berserk.
His sacrifice was once in a lifetime and available by faith alone without any teamwork.
Jesus was dead as dead, but that is not all that was said,
We wait to hear the amen, for tomorrow he rises again!