This weekend saw the opening of the pro-life movie, Unplanned. This movie recalls the true story of the conversion of a woman who grew up pro-life, but who became pro-abortion in college who then took a job working for planned parenthood. The movie recalls the story that brought about her conversion - while during the process of assisting an abortion where she saw the heartbeat, saw the formed baby being (pardon the graphic nature of the language here) torn to pieces and the change of heart she had concerning the issue of abortion. Her change of heart is a reason so many in the abortion culture have decided to take arms against Abby Johnson's story being told.
Unplanned has already faced major opposition. Major television networks have refused to air advertising or the trailer for the movie. The only networks who have allowed advertising and/or the trailer have been the Fox News Channel and The Christian Broadcasting Network. Pure Flix (God's Not Dead) has brought this movie to the big screen.
This movie comes directly at a time where in Georgia HB 481, or "The Heartbeat Bill" has been approved and is awaiting (as we speak) the approval of Georgia's 83rd Governor, Brian Kemp. It is expected that he sign this document. Kemp is quoted on his own website saying,
“I support a ‘Heartbeat Bill’ that outlaws abortions after six weeks. In fact, I am the only candidate for governor to signal support for the bill that was just passed in Iowa. The left calls it radical but it’s just common sense to me. As the father of three, I remember listening to the heartbeats of my girls. We were knitted together in our mother's womb and protecting His craftsmanship at six weeks is certainly worth the inevitable courtroom battle."
The vote for HB 481 was 92/78 - just making the 91 required votes to pass. What preceded the approval of the "Heartbeat Bill" was threats of coercion from Hollywood. Alyssa Milano tweeted to Governor Kemp and Speaker Ralston,
"To @BrianKempGA & Speaker Ralston:
Attached, is an open letter signed by 50 actors against #HB481. On behalf of the undersigned--as people often called to work in GA or those of us contractually bound to work in GA--we hope you'll reconsider signing this bill. #HBIsBadForBusiness”
Currently, in GA, women are able to undergo an abortion up to 20 weeks. This bill would limit abortions to before 6 weeks, or before a heartbeat can be detected. The Hollywood Reporter, with the headline: “Georgia's Abortion Bill Sparks Call for Hollywood Boycott”, reports:
"With generous tax incentives that can give up to 30 percent back, 455 productions filmed in Georgia last year, resulting in an estimated $2.7 billion in direct spending in the state. Major projects to shoot in the state include AMC's The Walking Dead and Netflix's Ozark and Stranger Things. In addition, Marvel filmed two of its biggest 2018 blockbusters — Black Panther and the latest Avengers film — at Pinewood Studios in Atlanta."
The message Hollywood is communicating to Georgia: Align with our morality or else. Thus we see the battle lines drawn by those who are advocating a moral revolution.
This bill has provided the opportunity for positions to be made clear (if they were not already) on the issue of abortion. In an open letter, the Writers Guild of America, both East and West, have stood in strong opposition to the passing of HB 481. Keep in mind that the Writers Guild represent the voice behind the voices that are shaping our culture. They write:
"This law would make Georgia an inhospitable place for those in the field and television industry to work, including our members.
If the Georgia Legislature and Governor Kemp make HB 481 law, it is entirely possible that many of those in our industry will either want to leave the state or decide not to bring production there. Such is the potential cost of a blatant attack on every woman's right to control her own body.
The cost would be most deeply felt by the residents of Georgia - including those who directly work in the film and television industry and those who benefit from the many millions of dollars it puts into the local economy."
Christians should take note that the pro-abortion culture argument centers on what is best for the woman whether it be her rights or safety. What is never considered is the rights of the others involved in the abortion - the unborn child. We should also bear in mind that those who revolutionaries for the moral revolution that we see in our day are ready to go to war to ensure that their agenda is adopted.
Here we circle around to the movie, Unplanned. The movie received an R rating for violence. The Major Picture Association of America is not a third-party rating system. Hollywood rates Hollywood and in this case, Hollywood has admitted that abortion is an act of violence.
So, how did Unplanned do at the box office? The Washington Times writes: "Despite Twitter ban, media blackout and an R-rating, 'Unplanned' cleans up at the box office." The articles goes on to tell us,
“Unplanned,” a feature film which takes a stand against abortion, doubled its projected earnings, coming in at fifth place overall with a $6.1 million dollar opening despite previous industry predictions from $2 million to $3 million for its opening weekend.
The independent production did well despite a temporary Twitter ban on the film’s social media presence, limited release on the nation’s movie screens and very little coverage from the mainstream media. Major cable networks refused to air promotional ads for “Unplanned,” including Lifetime, Hallmark, HGTV and others, according to a Hollywood Reporter tally."
May truth prevail and may those servants of Truth stand for life.
I am grateful for The Briefing who alerted me to these stories.