Jesus used Jonah to teach us about his own life. Jesus is God’s mission; Jesus came on a mission for you and for me.
Where Jonah was reluctant, Jesus did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped but emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, becoming obedient to the point of death, even dean on a cross.
Where Jonah fled the will of God, Jesus prayed not my will but thine.
Where Jonah was sleeping in the boat due to fear, Jesus slept in the peace of being fully in control of events.
Where the lot fell on Jonah to save a few, the lot fell on Jesus to save all who believe and repent.
Where Jonah was willing to give his life to save the sailors, Jesus gave his life to save whosoever.
Where Jonah was saved by a fish, Jesus was crushed by a cross.
Where Jonah was kept alive three days and three nights in the belly of the fish, Jesus was dead and buried in a cold dark tomb.
Where Jonah was delivered from the belly to dry ground, Jesus was delivered from death to life.
Where Jonah preached repentance, Jesus calls his followers to make disciples.
Where great revival broke out in pagan Nineveh, Jesus said greater things are still to be done in our city.
Where Jonah was concerned with his interest, Jesus’ interests are me and you.
The same God who sent Jonah sent Jesus. This God is a God on a mission, and his mission is saving lost ones like me and you. Do you know him today? Don’t run, call upon the one who is calling for you.
This is an excerpt from a sermon preached at First Baptist Church Newnan, GA. It can be accessed in its entirety here under the title, God on Mission.
Soli Deo Gloria.