Patterned After the Proverbs Day 26

We enter a new section in the Proverbs that will stretch from 25 – 29, Hezekiah’s collection of Solomon’s Proverbs. According to 2 Kings (18:3-7), Hezekiah was responsible for bringing revival to Israel by turning them back to God and his Word. This collection of Proverbs preserved here is proof of the legacy Hezekiah left. It is only fitting that the first of these Proverbs deals with the way a king should govern. This note on Hezekiah reminds all leaders to seek to leave a legacy of pursuing the Lord, trusting in Him, and allowing God to establish your steps. 

vv. 2-3 – Reminds us that the king is to be one who has his heart set on searching for Wisdom. God knows the heart of the king, the king’s heart must know God. 

vv. 4-5 – As the removal of impurities refines silver, so the removal of iniquity refines a kingdom.

vv. 6-7b – There is great benefit in another giving you accolades. Better to be told to come up than to have a higher (and therefore unwise) view of yourself. 

vv. 7c-10 – Encourages prudence as one sets his cause before a higher authority. 

vv. 11-12 – The right way to use our mouths, to reprove, rebuke, and exhort. 

v. 13 – A faithful and true messenger refreshes the soul. 

v. 14 - By contrast to the faithful messenger is one who boasts and can’t back their claim. 

v. 15 – A powerful image of gentleness. 

vv. 16-17 – Encourages restraint. Restraint in eating and restraint in loitering at a neighbor’s house. 

vv. 18-20 – Three types of the unwise are described: the liar, the untrustworthy, and the insensitive.

vv. 21-22 – The Wise do not return evil for evil. Instead, we do unto others as we would have them do unto us. Wisdom takes the long and sure path of trusting the Lord. 

v. 23 – A backbiting tongue breeds anger. 

v. 24 – In case we missed it the first few times we have it here again to remind us. The wise seek peace under their roof. 

vv. 25-26 – Good news from a far country refreshes souls. The news followers of Jesus have is a refreshing message from a far country. The only soothing of a soul comes from this message God has given of salvation through Christ alone. 

v. 27 – Seeking one’s glory only brings ruin. 

v. 28 – Encourage self-control. 

A foundation block in the house of Wisdom is self-control. We pattern ourselves after wisdom when we exhibit self-control.