Patterned After the Proverbs Day 24

Proverbs 22:20 began detailing 30 wise sayings. Have I not written for you thirty sayings of counsel and knowledge to make you know what is right and true, that you may give a true answer to those who sent you? In our progress, we have seen 18 of the 30 wise sayings. In our episode today we will cover the rest of the 30 sayings and look at a few more sayings of the wise. 

Wise saying nineteen, 24:1-2: Warns against keeping company with the unwise. Peers can be a young man’s greatest distraction to walking down Wisdom’s Way. 

Wise saying twenty, 24:3-4: A house built on wisdom is established, pleasant, and filled with riches. 

Wise saying twenty-one, 24:5-6: Rounds out the warning in verses 1-2. Wise friends are a great benefit. These Proverbs are telling us to choose our friends wisely. 

Wise saying twenty-two, 24:7: We again focus on the mouth and learn the fool speaks incessantly. As we have seen from other proverbs, a contrasting mark of wisdom is the ability to control the tongue.  

Wise saying, twenty-three, 24:8-9: Those who plan evil have a reputation of sin. Those who recuse to walk Wisdom’s Way hinder humanity. 

Wise saying twenty-four, 24:10: Is a call for ensuring strength as you travel the highway called Wisdom’s Way.

Wise saying twenty-five, 24:11-12: Encourages us to rescue the perishing. This call is in the context of verse 10. Strength and endurance are required to be brave and do the right thing. Here is a call to remember those not on Wisdom’s Way are on a highway to destruction. These Proverbs are a call to the perishing to seek rescue by walking Wisdom’s Way. Our commission is to go to the perishing and rescue them through wise sayings. The heart of the wise sayings of the Proverbs is to trust in the Lord with all your heart. Trusting God is at the heart of life. We are culpable if we see someone perishing and do nothing about it. 

Wise saying twenty-six, 24:13-14: Wisdom is like sweet honey to the soul. 

Wise saying twenty-seven, 24:15-16: The righteous cannot be defeated. 

Wise saying twenty-eight, 24:17-18: God has no pleasure in the death of the wicked. We shouldn’t either. 

Wise saying twenty-nine, 24:19-20: Despite what may be perceived as success, in reality, the wicked have no future. All hope belongs to the righteous. 

Wise saying thirty, 24:21-22: Respect authority.

Verses 23-34 describe more wise sayings for our heart to pay attention too:

vv. 23-25 – Don’t be partial when you pass judgment, instead seek righteous judgment. 

v.26 – An honest answer is like a kiss on the lips. 

v. 27 – Preparation is essential for finishing a task. 

vv. 28 -29 – Commit to honesty.

vv.30-34 – Encourages hard disciplined work. In the end, hard work always pays off. 

The pursuit of wisdom is a challenging task but the end is eternal life.