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Proverbs 19 calls our attention to the essential features of living life in wisdom. We will put each verse in that general heading.
Living a life of wisdom:
v.1 – Means walking in integrity
v.2 – Takes the time to make a right decision
v.3 – Guards against a heart that rages against the Lord
v.5 – Means telling the truth
v.6 - Being friendly and generous
v.7 – Is a life that has friends
v.8 – Means keeping understanding for the sake of their soul.
v.9 – Means telling the truth. This is repeated again because truthfulness involves both the mouth and the heart. Both of which are emphasized over and over again in these proverbs.
v.10 – Recognizes the order of the world.
v.11 – Means angering slowly
v.12 – Meanas seeking the favor of those who rule over them
v.13 – Means keeping your house in order
v.14 – Understands having a prudent wife is greater than riches
v.15 – Avoids laziness
v.16 – Means keeping the commandments of the Lord
v.17 – Being generous to the poor.
v.18 – Means loving his children and disciplines them
v.19 – Means avoiding those with anger issues.
v.20 – Means listening to advice and accepting instructions.
v.21 – Means trusting in the Lord with all your heart
v.22 – Seeks steadfast love
v.23 – Fears the Lord
v.24 – Avoids laziness. Laziness is emphasized in the context of trusting in the Lord. Trusting in the Lord spurs us into action. The fear of the Lord guides our steps to ensure we are living a life pleasing to him.
v.25 – Understands sometimes folks need correcting.
v.26 – Is a life that honors father and mother
v.27 – Is a life that listens to instruction
v.28 – Means telling the truth no matter the consequences.
v.29 – Encourages fools to walk Wisdom’s Way.
A scoffer is someone who laughs at a person acting foolishly. The consequences of wisdom are no laughing matter. As these proverbs have expressed so far, keeping your foot firmly planted on Wisdom’s Way leads to life. Slipping off the straight and narrow means doom. I pray you have someone who will not scoff at you but instead will do what verse 25 encourages and correct when needed. The wise will accept correction that encourages walking wisely. The fool will despise such instruction.