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Continuing our path down these “proverbs proper,” we will see many themes we have already encountered though this time with a different application or flavor to cause us to consider the truths of these proverbs in full bloom.
We begin in verse one with a truth resembling what we have seen earlier about a multitude of counselors. Whoever isolates himself seeks his own desire; he breaks out against all sound judgment. Isolation and not listening to sound judgment is connected with foolishness. The individual lacks humility and thinks they don’t need to listen to others and so they isolate themselves.
The next truth goes right along with the first (Verse 2).
Verse 3 connects dishonor with disgrace.
Verse 4 causes us to once again consider the mouth. Hopefully, we are catching on to the repeated theme.
Verse 5 tells us to show no favoritism to wrong.
Verses 6-9 teaches us about the misuse of words and the consequences therein. The lips are likened to feet leading into evil. It only makes sense that lips that act like feet would get caught in a trap. The trap, as verse 8 teaches us, is a trap of the soul.
Verses 10 and 11 describe two types of security: the Lord and riches.
Verses 9 and 12 describe two things that bring destruction: laziness and pride.
Along with the proper use of the tongue, verse 13 reminds us to listen more than we speak.
We often think about the condition of our physical health. Verse 14 reminds us to also care for our souls.
In verses 15-19 we enter a court of law. We learn to seek knowledge with our ears (listening); bribery will get us nowhere (16); hear the facts before we pass judgment (17); the Lord. Is the best judge (18); and to live at peace as much as we are able (19).
Verses 20-21 again emphasize the tongue. We are reminded what we say has consequences beyond saying a thing (20); and death and life are in the power of the tongue (21).
Verse 22 beautifully connects the Lord’s favor of finding a wife. We will learn more about the beauty of a godly wife later/
Verse 23 encourages the rich in the wise use of the tongue.
Verse 24 ends Proverbs 18 the way we began with a word of comfort for one prone to isolation – there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. For those walking along Wisdom’s Way, you will find Jesus, who himself is Wisdom, to be such a friend. His friendship shows itself in every moment and lasts not for a lifetime, but for forever. What a friend we have in Jesus!