Psalm 48

Consider what you know about God. Ponder for a moment his matchless worth. Then ask yourself, how do I know what I know about God? How do I know there is a God? The only way we know there is a God who is gloriously marvelous is because he has told us. He has revealed himself as he is, and he is to be desired. We are continuing our series in a section of the Psalms that assures us that our troubled times are met with the reality of a King who comes to save and establish his kingdom forever. Those who take refuge in him will be established forever. We learn this from Psalm 42-49, and today we get to look specifically at Psalm 48.

Before we get there, a recap of what we have learned so far will help us:

Psalms 42-43 described the anguish of the believing community. They are discouraged and need something to secure their hope. They are reminded of a song that echoes through the long night – the song of the steadfast love of the Lord.

Psalm 44 recalls God’s faithfulness and pleads for him to bring a salvation that only he can bring

Psalm 45 answer the pleas of help from 44 by a new song, a wedding song prepared for a mighty King who will come and take a foreign bride.

Psalm 46 explicitly says God is our refuge and strength. The emphasis we should pay the closest attention to is in the next line – he is our ever-present help in troubling times. Knowing that means we will not fear. God builds a city that remains even though the earth crumbles.

Psalm 47 invites the nations to come and behold the reign of God. Psalm 47 anticipates the jubilation that comes from the reign of God

Psalm 48 is a song of further praise that celebrates God in the midst of the city. God has made His dwelling place with humanity (Revelation 21). In Psalm 48, God drowns out (48:7) any other song that could be sung and replaces all songs with the sound of melodies – the song of the redeemed.

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