Patterned After the Proverbs Day 9

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We consider the house that Wisdom built. So far in our look into the Proverbs, we have seen two ladies contrasted: Lady Folly and Lady Wisdom. Here, in this final consideration in this section of the Proverbs, we see both ladies contrasted. We will see Lady Wisdom first (9:1-12),  and then Lady Folly (9:13-18). Pay attention to the space given to Wisdom. Wisdom is emphasized more because she is greater to be desired. 

We are first introduced to the opulent house of Wisdom. Seven pillars refer to the size of the house of Wisdom meaning there is room for any who desire to respond to her call. Seven pillars might also be a reference to perfection or completion. Seven, in Scripture, is the number of completion or perfection. Wisdom’s house is big and perfect. The house should be just what you are looking for. 

Wisdom is preparing a feast and calling the simple to come to eat from her table (vv. 2-6). Notice what wisdom has to offer gives life. This will be a point to remember when we consider Lady Folly. 

From the invitation, we move to three verses that demonstrate what happens when someone corrects a scoffer or the wicked. This is contrasted with what happens when one corrects a wise man. The wise man is dedicated to continual progression in wisdom. If wisdom is a roadway, the wise man desires to continually travel down it. The wise person is not content camping on wisdom’s way. The posture of the heart of the wise is a posture of continual consideration for working wisdom in their life. Interestingly, the way the wise learn is through correction.

Wisdom requires humility. 

Humility is the result of Proverbs 9:10 – the fear of the LORD. As verses 11-12 demonstrate, life is much better when walking wisely. 

We come now to the door of Lady Folly. Pay attention to the progression. We first encounter Lady Wisdom and then move to a demonstration of experience of what happens when you correct a wise individual and the wicked. At the center, between Wisdom and Folly is the fear of the LORD. 

 As we move to the appeal of Lady Folly it will become clear that a wise person will find folly unappealing. She is loud, seductive, and knows nothing. She already has a house prepared, unlike Lady Wisdom who is still in a building campaign. Lady Folly’s house is a doorway to death. Notice the place she sits – on the highest place in the town. Her vantage point over the city is appealing for those who are full of pride and looking up. Her high position has no appeal to those humble-looking inward testing their heart’s desire.

 Her loud appeal is captured in verses 15-17. Verse 18 ends this first section in Proverbs with a description of where the Fool’s Way leads – death. Beware, weary traveler. Listen to the call of Wisdom and stay on the straight and narrow. Thanks be to God the one who calls us to walk wisdom’s way has marked the path in his own blood.