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Wisdom is calling in Proverbs 2 and the encouragement is to set your heart on wisdom. Phrases like, treasure up my commandments with you, make your ear attentive to wisdom, inclining your heart to understanding, call out for insight, raise your voice for understanding, seek it like silver and search for it as for hidden treasure are all phrases tuning our heart to sing the praises of God.
The call to wisdom is available because God gives both the call and gives the wisdom he is calling us to seek. Verse 6 says For the LORD gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding. Wisdom is to be desired because it protects the path of those who are wise – those who fear God. Notice the if, then, statements. These conditional statements are intended to make the pursuit of wisdom all the more appealing.
5-8 – Understanding the fear of the Lord
9-11 – Gaining an understanding of righteousness, justice, equity, and every good path
12-20 – Wisdom delivers from the lies of those on the path of evil, delivers from being flattered into unfaithfulness, and directs to walk a good and true path.
Notice where this path leads – verses 20-22. Here we see the land mentioned. Land indicates God’s promises to finally vanquish every evil and cause truth and justice to remain forever. Inhabiting the Land means dwelling with God. Dwelling with God means walking with him, fellowshipping with him, and enjoying him forever.
The path of wisdom is a straight and narrow path. Few find this path, but those who do enjoy the pleasure of eternal life with God. The one who calls us to walk this path has come and walked the path for us. Jesus calls us to follow him. As we follow him we are assured of where he leads. Jesus leads us safely to enter the courts of the eternal city of God. In that city, no evil thing will ever enter in.