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The heart and the mouth are more connected than we might realize. Proverbs 13 continues to encourage walking Wisdom’s Pathway through carefully guarding what we say. What we say is connected with our heart’s desires.
From verse 1 we are encouraged to be a wise son who listens to his father’s instructions. Again, the Deuteronomy 6 language cannot be missed. Verse 2 connects the mouth and the heart: From the fruit of his mouth a man eats what is good, but the desires of the treacherous is for violence. Again, verse 3, Whoever guards his mouth preserves his life; he who opens wide his lips comes to ruin. Effectively guarding your mouth protects your feet from slipping from Wisdom’s Way into the doldrums of Folly’s Footpath. Notice the connection from the mouth to the heart to righteousness and wickedness in verses 4-6.
We focus more on desires in 13:7-8 where we learn appearances are not everything. (Read 7-8). The hears no threat of verse 8 is the same Hebrew phrase in verse 1, does not listen to rebuke. Meaning, the poor man has little to lose and so is not worried. In this case, it is better to live in reality than to put up a false appearance. The wise ways of the Lord will soon bring to light what truly is. God knows the heart and the Proverbs, God’s Wisdom highway markers tell us that God concerns himself with the hearts of men.
Now we will consider these individual Proverbs from verses 9-21. Here is what we learn:
- V.9 – God will put out the lamp of the wicked.
- V.10 – The wise take advice.
- V.11 – It’s better to gain wealth incrementally.
- V.12 – Here we see the tree of life again associated with the heart and hope.
- V.13 – A warning to listen to God’s Word.
- V.14 – Listening to wisdom brings life.
- V.15 – The way of the treacherous is a way of ruin.
- V.16 – Prudent men act with knowledge, but fools flaunt their folly.
- V.17 – A word for preachers: A faithful messenger brings healing.
- V.18 – Poverty and disgrace come to those who ignore instruction.
- V.19 – Fulfilled desires is sweet to the soul. Of course, the desires must be according to wisdom.
- V.20 - Keep wise company and become wise
- V.21 – Disaster chases sinners but the righteous are rewarded with good.
As we close Proverbs 13 we pick up a theme that began in verse 20, the theme of walking with the wise. We learn a few things:
- V.21 – The righteous are rewarded with good.
- V.22 – The wisdom of leaving an inheritance for your grandchildren.
- V.23 – The constant trouble the poor face and our concern to avoid poverty and pursue justice.
- V.24 – The value of disciplining your children.
- V.25 – The satisfaction that righteousness brings.
Proverbs 13 encourages us to pursue the true satisfaction that comes from walking with God. We walk with God on Wisdom’s Way.