Patterned After the Proverbs Day 12

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Proverbs continually encourage us to pursue wisdom. The pursuit of wisdom is more of a marathon than a sprint and takes an entire lifetime! Pursuing wisdom takes discipline. Proverbs 12 begins with this word for us, Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but he who hates reproof is stupid. As verse 3 says, no one is established by wickedness, on the contrary, righteousness is immovable. The success of the righteous is on account of the favor of the Lord. The failed attempt of the wicked is because they have aligned themselves with what God condemns. What God condemns has consequences. 

Verse 4 introduces us to an excellent wife. She stands in contrast to the Forbidden Woman whose doorway is a doorway of death. The excellent wife is the crown of her husband. The shameful woman is like rottenness to her husband’s bones

Verses 5-7 are linked by considering the righteous and the wicked. We see a progression from righteous counsel vs wicked counsel to treachery vs deliverance. The righteous are the ones left standing while the wicked are overthrown and are no more

Verses 9-11 have us consider our work ethic. These verses illustrate verse 8. Good sense means realizing who you are (v.9). Good sense means caring for your animals (v.10). Good sense means working the land and not pursuing worthless pursuits (v.11). 

Worthless pursuits are further clarified in verses 12-14. A worthless pursuit is coveting the spoil of evildoers; letting your lips speak transgression; not considering that the work of your hands will come back to you. The Proverbs give an eternal perspective.

There is more to life than little moments, even though life is filled with moments. The Proverbs calls us to keep perspective as we pursue wisdom.

We then get to see things from the fool’s perspective in verses 15-23 and are warned at the beginning the wisdom of the fool is only right in his own eyes. The fool won’t listen to advice (v.15); is easily frustrated, lacking patience (v.16); is deceitful (v.17); cuts others down with their words (v.18); lives in the moment and lies to get their way (v.19); has a heart full of deceit (v.20); is filled with trouble (v.21); has lips that lie (v.22); and whose heart is filled with folly (v.23).

Each of these negatives has a positive. A wise person: listens to advice (v.15); ignores insults (v.16); speaks the truth with honest evidence (v.17); uses words to build up (v,18); has lips that endure forever (v.19); plans peace with joy (v.20); no ill befalls them (v.21); acts faithfully and are the Lord’s delight (v.22); conceals knowledge (v.23). 

The contrast continues in verses 24-28 with the eternal perspective the Proverbs continues to provide. The benefit always falls towards wisdom and righteousness. READ 24-28. 

 Wisdom and righteousness is the way of the Lord. The ways of Lord bring everlasting life. To life’s little moments, the ways of the Lord brings success and joy.