If I were to ask you what is the most important thing in your life what would you say? Would you say your family your finances your friends? How many of you would say the most important thing in your life is the cross of Jesus Christ?
You are invited to consider the cross and stay there forever. How quickly we move beyond the cross. We think of the cross as simply a one-time event in our life as something that happened then, when I took the preacher’s hand, or at camp or that day of my baptism. The cross is that but it is not only that.
The cross is the defining moment in our lives, and not just our lives, but the lives of everyone.
The Cross of christ is the good news we share to everyone as heralds proclaiming the message of salvation. Our message is the cross of Christ as the only remedy for sin. There is no pathway to heaven other than the cross. This is why we engage in missions. We don’t believe that doing the best you can means that you can make it to heaven. We don’t believe that there exists a single person that deserves heaven (the age of accountability is a different category). We believe that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
We don’t believe that rejecting Jesus sends you to hell, we believe that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. In other words, those who have never heard of Jesus have the same destiny awaiting them as those who have heard and rejected - they are forever separated from God because all have sinned.
Seven Truths about the Cross
The Cross is Our Point of Emphasis
The Cross Alone Saves
The Cross is Often Persecuted
The Cross is Our Reason for Boasting
The Cross is the Instrument God Uses to Form New Creation
The Cross is our Rule
The Cross Leaves its Mark