How is Christ the Fulfillment of the Old Testament?

LAW | Torah

In Genesis, He is the end from the beginning
In Exodus, He saves His people for the serpent king
In Leviticus, He is the propitiation for sin
In Numbers, He is the blessing of His people
In Deuteronomy, He is the God who loves his people and commands them to love Him

PROPHETS | Nevi’im

In Joshua, He is the conqueror of His enemies
In Judges, He is faithful even when His people are faithless
In Samuel, He is the King of His people
In Kings, He is present in the midst of His people
In Isaiah, He is the future hope in the midst of present sin
In Jeremiah, He is the bringer of a New Covenant
In Ezekiel, He is the resurrection and the life
In the Twelve, He is the God of mercy and salvation

WRITINGS | Ketuvim

In the Psalms, He is the indescribable God
In Proverbs, He is the wisdom of God
In Job, He is the healing for our hurt
In the Song of Songs, He is the lover of our souls
In Ruth, He is our kinsman redeemer
In Lamentations, He is hope in the midst of hopelessness
In Ecclesiastes, He is the meaning of life
In Esther, He is the secret worker of salvation
In Daniel, He is the one coming to rule the nations
In Ezra-Nehemiah, He is the object of His people’s worship
In Chronicles, He is the One whom we believe in to be saved